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Palazzo Moroni interior and courtyard - Cultural heritage building

Prize(s) Winners in Heritage Lighting Design
University Politecnico Di Milano
Lead Designers Alexey Vdonin, Paulette Paulino & Bayan Zarraq
Other Designer's names Alexey Vdonin, Paulette Paulino & Bayan Zarraq
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Entry Description

The whole heritage project is conceptually split into several religious world levels. Each level has its own characteristics interconnected with other levels. The core idea of the ground level (the main one) was to create an impression that sky in each room's fresco is not just painted but acts like a real light source and projects the sunlight to the floor.

Light solutions for other levels immerse the visitor to the specific atmosphere, support ground level's solutions & lead the visitor throughout the project.

Each space with possibilities to exhibit any masterpieces has 2 separate lighting scenarios: one is for the ordinary visit, another one is for the temporary exhibition.
Sustainability Approach

- Just the most effective and low power LED fixtures are used in each space;
- Each scenario consumes minimum possible power;
- Fixtures installation details tend to avoid any damage to the cultural heritage.