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Zone Iguazu

Prize(s) Honorable Mentions
Company Angelika Markul Studio
Lead Designers Angelika Markul
Client Noor Riyadh
Project Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Entry Description

Filmed at Iguazu Falls, Zone Iguazo presents a giant waterfall on the border of the Argentine province of Misiones and the Brazilian state of Paraná. Considered among the world’s visually and acoustically most stunning natural sites, these waterfalls are presented in a reverse movement, with long and scarcely changing shots. Inciting contemplation, the video presents a setting devoid of human presence and focuses mainly on the site’s grandeur. With the water receding back into the cliff, as if travelling back in time, the video points to the artist’s recurring theme of the passage of time and especially its inversion. In a real landscape where chronological markers are absent, mixed with added fictitious devices, Zone Iguazo asks of its viewers to take the time to admire the elements and the omnipotent power of nature, which exists outside of human reason and morality. By unveiling this remote natural site of mesmerizing beauty, new platforms for meditations are created, where the real and the imaginary poetically meet.